Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Schwarzenegger has raised the morale of soldiers in Iraq cigars

The famous actor and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has visited Iraq to meet with American soldiers to raise their morale.
Schwarzenegger arrived at the military base Camp Victory in western Baghdad from Israel, where he participated in a conference devoted to security in the Middle East.
During the meeting, which lasted two hours, 13-times world champion in bodybuilding time to talk with about 400 soldiers. They shook hands, was photographed on his memory and gave some of these cigars.
"I have been here in 2003 and said," I'll be back "before departure" - said in his speech, Schwarzenegger, repeating a phrase he has played the legendary cyborg from the movie "Terminator".
Terminator always keeps its promises ", - said 62-year-old politician, a Republican.
The military operation the United States and its allies against Iraq began in March 2003. The formal pretext for the start of the operation was the so far unconfirmed statement by the American leadership about whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
U.S. on June 30 completed the withdrawal of combat troops from Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. In Iraq, leaving only the unit, whose mission is teaching the Iraqi security forces and providing them with expert assistance. Complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq will be held before the end of 2011.
The American contingent has currently more than 130 thousand soldiers. Since the beginning of operations in Iraq, according to Western media, have killed at least 4 359 American servicemen.

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